How achieving goals is actually about creating habits

Let’s talk about goals. Or, more accurately, goal achieving. That’s what we all care most about anyway, right?

Let’s talk about goals. Or, more accurately, goal achieving. That’s what we all care most about anyway, right?

Most conversations I have with new clients start with goal setting. About 80 percent of the time those conversations end up delving into the world of willpower – whether it’s needing help generating the willpower to actually get started or to find the willpower to keep going.

As a coach, what I’ve noticed over the years is that it’s not actually our willpower that gets us to the goal, but rather it’s our turning the pursuit of the goal into a habit that gets us there.

So, what we’re really talking about when we talk about achieving goals is habit building. 

After all, being able to swing a 35kg kettlebell requires building up the strength for it, crossing the finish line means lacing up and getting yourself out on the road (or treadmill) a few times a week and creating an exercise regimen means carving out time that is dedicated time in your week to fitness.

Here are 3 tips I’ve found for building a fitness habit successfully:

Choose goals based on your reality

How do you actually like to move your body? If you hate going to the gym, but LOVE to dance, let’s find you a dance class! Love to run, but hate the treadmill? All good, let’s build a plan that gets you outside running safely all year long. You’re more likely to stick with a goal - and make it consistent - if it’s something you can actually look forward to. On that note…

Make it fun (aka temptation bundling)

Does working out feel like a “chore?” Make it fun! Think of something you enjoy doing that you can limit to only allowing yourself to do when you workout. Maybe it’s watching trash TV (hi, it’s me, watching all the bravo shows 👋🏻), listening to a favorite podcast or reading your favorite magazine. Tying something you enjoy to something you…well, enjoy less…is a great way to turn a chore into something you can build a successful habit around.

Enlist help

Who says we have to reach our goals alone? Planning workouts with friends is a great way to stay accountable and catch up with someone you enjoy. Working out with a trainer can take the guesswork out of the “what should I even do for my workout” question and keep you accountable. And hey, maybe your trainer will even become a friend - double whammy!

At the end of the day, the goal that you’re going to reach is one you’re able to commit to building a habit around. And habits are really what change the game.

Interested in working with someone to help you create a consistent fitness routine? 


An All or Something Fitness Routine